
How to archive your mailchimp contacts

How to archive your mailchimp contacts

Struggling to keep your Mailchimp costs down. In Mailchimp you are paying for your contacts, not subscribers. An important action to regularly undertake is archive contacts that are not subscribers, as you can't email them, so save your money and simply archive. Do...

10 Things You Should Have On Your Website

10 Things You Should Have On Your Website

Building a website is not a cheap investment, especially for start-up businesses. Therefore it is so important that you are doing it the right way the first time. It's also important to note, that not all website designers offer all the things you need. Some may...

How to set up your Mailchimp Account

How to set up your Mailchimp Account

Mailchimp is the All-In-One integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms. It’s free for your first 2000 subscribers, it enables you to use it’s automation functions for signs and sending welcome emails. It integrates with...

6 ways to look after your existing customers

6 ways to look after your existing customers

As businesses owners we focus on growing our business and getting customers in the door. How we love a new customer!!! Then there are time when we are faced with the challenges of trying to gain more customers, and what we are forgetting and neglecting are our pre-existing customers. We most definitely should not be neglecting those amazing customers we already have. 

Why you DO NOT just grab images from Google or Pinterest

Why you DO NOT just grab images from Google or Pinterest

You are creating content for your social media, perhaps you’ve written a new blog and need an image to accompany it, maybe you are promoting a new product and want some images to promotional purposes. Raise your hand if you are guilt of just googling images and...

The Power of Customer Service

The Power of Customer Service

We all know when we experience amazing customer service that we naturally tell people about it and recommend the service. This also happens when we experience bad customer service.

What are some of the key ingredients to making your customers experience a memorable one?