5 ways I use Evernote in my business
Evernote is known as the modern day workspace, and it is definitely a program I use daily within my business and highly recommend.
How to archive your mailchimp contacts
Struggling to keep your Mailchimp costs down. In Mailchimp you are paying for your contacts, not subscribers. An important action to regularly undertake is archive contacts that are not subscribers, as you can't email them, so save your money and simply archive. Do...
10 steps to ensure you correctly take risks in your business
Risk are a part business, taking risk doesn’t mean you have to exposure yourself in way that you fear. Learn how you can do it the right way.
What does a virtual assistant do?
Wondering what a virtual assistant is and how they can help you in your business? A virtual assistant is a …..
5 items to include in your newsletter
Struggling to come up with content ideas for your newsletter? Have no fear! Help is here. I have 5 items to help you get started.
10 Things You Should Have On Your Website
Building a website is not a cheap investment, especially for start-up businesses. Therefore it is so important that you are doing it the right way the first time. It's also important to note, that not all website designers offer all the things you need. Some may...
The why and how of building an email list
What is the importance of building an email list and how will it benefit your business? Find out why and how you can get your started.
Why You Need a VA to Manage Your Blog and Newsletter
Learn what you can do to enable you to focus on your business strategic growth whilst your VA takes care of your blog and newsletter for you.
How can a Virtual Assistant help you in your business?
Ready to start working with a virtual assistant? Not sure what you can outsource? Here is an overview to get you started.
5 Easy ways to source social media content for your business
Struggling to come up with content ideas for your social media? Here are 5 easy ways you can source content.
How to set up your Mailchimp Account
Mailchimp is the All-In-One integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms. It’s free for your first 2000 subscribers, it enables you to use it’s automation functions for signs and sending welcome emails. It integrates with...
Determining when you are ready to hire a Virtual Assistant
Determining when you are ready to hire a Virtual Assistant. Find out why I don’t recommend hiring one at the start of your business.
How to clearly communicate your expectations to your Virtual Assistant
To ensure you have a successful working relationship with your virtual assistant, it is important that you communicate your expectations.
10 reasons why you should hire a virtual assistant
Find out 10 valuable reasons you really need to hire a virtual assistant or online business manager for your business.
60 Inspirational Australian Women Quotes
Be inspired by 60 Australian Women. These ladies are from all walks of life, from stage & screen, to golf and politic. I hope you find them as inspiring as I do.
How to start working with a virtual assistant
Learn how to prepare your business to work with a Virtual Assistant. Learn what you can do to create a successful working relationship.
10 Steps To Help You Control Toxic Business Relationships
Suffering a toxic working relationship? It’s awful, right? Here are 10 steps you can take to handle this relationship.
How to set up canned responses in your MAC Mail
Constantly sending the same message over and over, why not set up ‘canned responses’. Let me show you how, with step by step instructions.
How to set up canned responses in Gmail
How to set up canned responses in Gmail ~ Here are step by step instructions on how you can set up your templates for frequently sent emails.
How to download videos from Closed Facebook Groups
Creating Facebook lives or videos in a private Facebook group, however you want to repurpose it for elsewhere. Here are some instructions on how to download videos from closed Facebook groups. To do this, you need to use Google Chrome. 1. Open up your video in your...
6 things NOT to do when hiring a virtual assistant
You are finally giving yourself that well deserved reward of having an assistant help you in your business. Before getting carried away in outsourcing everything, here are some things to be aware off that will help prevent you having an awful first time experience in outsourcing.
6 ways to look after your existing customers
As businesses owners we focus on growing our business and getting customers in the door. How we love a new customer!!! Then there are time when we are faced with the challenges of trying to gain more customers, and what we are forgetting and neglecting are our pre-existing customers. We most definitely should not be neglecting those amazing customers we already have.
Why you DO NOT just grab images from Google or Pinterest
You are creating content for your social media, perhaps you’ve written a new blog and need an image to accompany it, maybe you are promoting a new product and want some images to promotional purposes. Raise your hand if you are guilt of just googling images and...
The Power of Customer Service
We all know when we experience amazing customer service that we naturally tell people about it and recommend the service. This also happens when we experience bad customer service.
What are some of the key ingredients to making your customers experience a memorable one?
How to create a landing page in Mailchimp
Ready to launch a product or offering to your target market? Using a landing page is a great way to sell your pitch, Mailchimp have a great landing page creation in their systems. Find out the step to building yours.
Creating an email campaign in Mailchimp
Here are some step by step instructions to help you confidentally set up your mailchimp email campaign/newsletter.
50 Call To Action Phrases for your social media and blog posts
Struggling to think of call to actions for your content? Here are 50 Call To Action Phrases you can use on your social media and blogs to help increase engagement from your audience.
How a business coach can help you in your business
Finding yourself struggling in your business to get ahead? Work with a coach can help you eliminate what is holding you back. Find out how.
How to start outsourcing even if you don’t think you’re “ready.”
Don’t hold your business back by feeling you’re not ready to start outsourcing. Learn how you can start even when you think you’re not ready.
5 way to create social media content from material you already have!
Coming up with content for your social media can feel frustrating, but here are 5 content sources you can utilise to build your social media content.