How to stop your newsletters landing in spam folders

How to stop your newsletters landing in spam folders

There is nothing more frustrating than having your inbox filled with spam emails from bots and the likes! What is even more frustrating is when you find your own business newsletters are being treated as spam and landing in spam folders. Frustrating!

It’s important to note that spam can negatively impacts deliverability rates, and we want to make sure your emails reach their recipients.

In this article we will explore how to get around your emails landing in spam, but firstly allow me to explain what spam and spam filters are.

Spam is defined as “Spam is digital junk mail: unsolicited communications sent in bulk over the internet or through any electronic messaging system.”

Most of us know in today’s online world we are seeing so many spam emails coming in that look authentically from someone or an organisation we know, but when we check the email address they’re fake and possibly contain links for hackers to access our personal system and data. Yikes!

Spam filters are designed to help filter unsolicited emails from landing in our inbox.

Not all spam filters function the same way, so it can be difficult to nail down the exact criteria for judging spam. However, there are some basic characteristics of spam that tend to hold true.  You can read more about spam filters here.

Let’s explore what you can do to avoid being flagged as spam and landing in the dreaded spam folder;

Double Opt-In

Set up a double opt-in feature when creating your sign ups. This way new subscribers have to confirm they wanted to sign up.

Don’t Buy Lists

Avoid purchasing a list from anywhere. You are better to use advertising means like Facebook Ads to target your set market and grow your list authentically.

Engage Sooner Rather Than Later

When someone signs up to your mailing list, create an automation sequence welcoming so they’re immediately gaining engagement from you.

Sign Up Thank You Page

Once someone has signed up, prompt them to add your email address to their contacts so they’re system instantly recognises your email and avoids the spam folder.

Clean Up Your List

If you have subscribers who haven’t interacted with your emails or opened the last 5, then remove them. Firstly, they’re impacting your open rate.

Be aware of your email subject heading

Yes even your email subjects can impact your email landing in spam. Hubspot have a great article outlining key words to avoid as have Snov Labs with their list of 550+ spam triggering words


Some other great articles that may help you are

29 Email Deliverability Tips You Must Know in 2021

188 Spam Word to Avoid: How to Stay out of Spam Email Filters




How to archive your mailchimp contacts

How to archive your mailchimp contacts

Struggling to keep your Mailchimp costs down. In Mailchimp you are paying for your contacts, not subscribers. An important action to regularly undertake is archive contacts that are not subscribers, as you can’t email them, so save your money and simply archive. Do not delete them (that is another post for another day!)

Here are simple instructions to archive contacts in your Mailchimp.

  1. Click on your Audience Icon
  2. Click on All Contacts, or on the right-hand side button ‘View All Contacts’
  3. In sub-menu, click on New Segment
  4. Click on Email Marketing Status is the status drop-down menu to show options
  5. Select Unsubscribed, Non-Subscribed and Cleaned
  6. In the next window view, in the first column click the arrow and select all
  7. A new menu will show up on top, click on the Actions drop down arrow
  8. Select Archive

Please note that you can always unarchive people later if needed.

If you need help managing your Mailchimp account, then please contact me today to chat about your needs.

5 items to include in your newsletter

5 items to include in your newsletter

Do you find yourself struggling to think of content for your regular newsletter to your mailing list? Do you feel like you have writers block? Do you feel like you have nothing to say?

Let me make it easier for you. 

Have you considered having a pre-set template? This is a great way to help you pre-plan your content and create your newsletter in a more timely manner. But what do incorporate?

Here are 5 items to include in your newsletters as regular content;

#1 Introduction

Always open with a brief hello and what you’re up to. Connecting with your audience is vital and sharing a little about you, makes them know you’re real and that you care about them as your audience.

Connection is the key.

TIP: Make sure you personalise the email to include their name. Small personal touches go a long way.


#2 Valuable information  

Imagine getting an email that is giving you some awesome information relevant to you. Now imagine getting an email that’s all about them and salesy. That’s right … a real turn off. Give a little to gain a little, or hopefully more.


#3 Your latest projects or blogs

Don’t always assume your audience is reading your blogs or social media post. Remember, they’ve invited you into their personal space by allow YOU to have their email address because they may not have time for social media or may not be online as often as assumed. 

Depending on the length of your blog, you may want to put the whole things in your newsletter, or insert a portion of it and link the rest back to your website.


#4 Links to other services

We often assume that everyone remembers what we do. But be honest, do you remember what everyone does? Don’t be afraid to have dedicate a section to your other services, this can be done in the form of images with the service title and of course ensure its linkable to your website where further details are.

If you have a special running, then you can dedicate this area to that. Just don’t make the whole newsletter about you, remember it’s a relationship with your target audience so a bit of give and take goes a long way.


#5 Bio

In the footer of your newsletter you can have your social media platform linked and why not add a photo of you and a short paragraph blurb about who and what you do (another refresher for your audience).

TIP: Use a professional headshot, it’s the best investment you’ll make. 


#6 But I sell products not services

If you’re a retail product selling business, then you may have heard the term ‘picture tells a thousand words’. Use images of your products in your newsletter. You may have a product you’re wanting to move the last stock items off, so promote it in your newsletter, say something like ‘whilst stock lasts’ or ‘limited stock left, don’t miss out’.  Putting an ‘urgency’ with it, makes people take action faster.

Launching a new product, then share it. Maybe even offer an upsell product that would go well with the product.

TIP: Do not flood your newsletter with millions of images, it gets to overwhelming for your audience.


Feel like it’s all a bit hard and just want someone to create your branded newsletter for you. Guess what? I can, I am a Mailchimp expert and can create your branded newsletter templates, or automation series. Contact me today if you would like to know more.





The why and how of building an email list

The why and how of building an email list

I work with clients helping them to build their mailing list funnels. The purpose of building a quality email list is it gives you the opportunity to communicate directly with your audience, build trust and convert sales. It’s your direct line of communication to your target market.

Why build a mailing list?

If Facebook, Instagram or whatever platform you’re using to connect with your target market were to close tomorrow how will you communicate with your target market. You would be left with no market, no audience and no opportunity to continue connecting with your audience to gain revenue.

You own your mailing list, you don’t own the social media platforms.

Where to start?

A list building funnel is an opportunity for you to offer something free (like a sample) to your audience that would
answers their question (pain point)
showcases your expertise

Types of freebies

Freebies or commonly referred to as Opt-Ins can be anything you desire to showcase your expertise. Some examples are:

  • Checklist
  • Ebooks
  • Mini Courses
  • Challenges
  • Videos
  • Exercises
  • Cheat Sheet
  • Templates
  • Workbook / worksheet
  • Spreadsheet
  • Tutorial
  • Free course
  • Printables
  • Report
  • Mindmap
  • Quiz

Opt-in Goal

Determine your end goal for your opt-in sequence. Yes, you are list building, however you are not just giving away things for free. Your email sequence wants to have an end goal.

For example:

  • Buy product
  • Book in for coaching service
  • Enrol in course or workshop

The email sequence

A general rule for email opt-in sequences is as follows:

  • Send your freebie and welcome them
  • Offer something extra that compliments your freebie they’ve already received, and introduce yourself
  • Talk about how you solve your audience pain points
  • Present your goal product or service
  • Pitch your final offer on the service or have a countdown until the offer expires.


If you would like to start building your email list, contact me today and let’s talk about how we can make this happen.

Why You Need a VA to Manage Your Blog and Newsletter

Why You Need a VA to Manage Your Blog and Newsletter

Keeping your business in the ‘eye of the customer’ is essential in order for your business to grow. As a business owner, you can easily become consumed dealing with our day-to-day matters, and not giving our business the time needed to action strategies for growth.  

Two of the best avenues to gently remind your customers you are there, are through your newsletters and blogs. 

A virtual assistant (VA) can assistant you in maintaining your customer contact. Creating a regular schedule on when blogs and newsletters need to be composed and released, enables you to know your timelines and your VA to know what deadlines they are working to. 

Before you start going crazy producing blogs and newsletters, you firstly need to determine how frequently you should create your content and will meet your target customers’ interest. You need to make sure you are not over or under-producing them. This can be a bit of trial and error. Once you have determined this, you need to commit to your schedule.

The best way to ensure deadlines are met is to talk to your VA about;

  • how much time they need to create the content
  • how much time you need to review the work, and
  • allow time for final edits and touch ups.

Once this is locked in, you can then start brainstorming the content needed for blogs and newsletters. Do some research to see what your customers love and don’t love. Don’t be scare to even ask your customers, using such means as a survey.  

The best strategy when working your schedule is to try and keep 2 to 3 blogs ahead of yourself, you can preschedule these to be released on your website on a set date. 

How can your VA get this all happening for you, so you’re not stressed trying to keep on top it all 


  • Create a list of key topics you want covered in blogs. Don’t be afraid to create a series of blogs, if your content is going to be to long.
  • Create a schedule of when the blogs are to be released. Working backward to create the first draft due date.
  • Your VA can draft the article for your review and can incorporate a call to actions at the end of your blog.
  • Determine what type of call to action you want from your audience. It is always good to encourage readers to comment, offer feedback or share an experience. Or you can encourage them to buy a product or service. Ensure you communicate to your VA what key call to actions you want incorporated into specific blogs.
  • Source free images – there are many website that offer free image to use for blogs. Some require acknowledgement from you sourcing the images from that specific website. Otherwise, your VA can use programs such as PicMonkey or Canva to create original artwork for your blog.
  • Update SEO – It is vital that in order for you to be found that your blog has it’s SEO words added. Your VA can enter these, and research on what other keywords would be relevant to your blog/business.

Your newsletter keeps you in your customer’s inbox. Don’t make your newsletters too wordy. A lot of people don’t love to read a lot of words (unless it’s a novel). A great way to create a newsletter is to mix up words and images and make as many things as possible linkable to your website. Remember, Traffic = Sales Conversion on your website.

Include your blogs in your newsletter too, again make sure your newsletter is linked to various aspects of your website to drive your traffic across.   For example, for your blog including your newsletter your title, image and the first couple of lines, then insert a ‘read more’ and link it to your website (also link the image).

The strategy behind this is to get your customers to your website, where you have the opportunity to convert them from visitor to a customer.


Brainstorm with your VA on the main section you want for your newsletter. Eg: The Blog, Shop, Latest News, Special, or Sales.

Your VA can create your newsletter template, and there are programs such as Mailchimp that have a free level for under a set number of subscribers. It is important that your business ‘branding’ is kept consistent through the newsletters. Why? Because branding is what people say about you when you’re not there!

Your VA can source and create content, create images and links to your various website sections. They can also create a draft of your written content, you will need to guide them on key aspect such as items on sales, specials coming up or key items you want to be highlighted in the newsletter.

Once your newsletter content is created and ready to go, make sure your VA checks all the links are working, and that they send you a copy to review.

Your VA can schedule and once your newsletter has gone, you’re VA will be able to advise you the open and click rates, as most newsletter programs advise this for you.

Don’t be afraid to test various styles and formats for your newsletter to see which format gets the most higher click rate with your readers.


If you have any questions, or would like to know more information feel free to contact me via my contact page.




How can a Virtual Assistant help you in your business?

How can a Virtual Assistant help you in your business?

Using the services of a Virtual Assistant is a great way to focus on what you love.  You know, as business owners, how quick your day can fly by and you just never seem to have enough time.  You find yourself spending so much time doing things for your clients, that you don’t seem to have time to focus on business development.

Working with a Virtual Assistant enables you to get back your time and have the confidence in knowing your various administration tasks/projects are being taken care off, whilst you do the things you love. 

Here are some common tasks a virtual assistant can help you get started with. It is important to know that not all virtual assistants offer the same services, so don’t limit yourself to thinking you have to have just 1 virtual assistant.


Assisting you with your ‘To Do’ list.
Preparing correspondence.
Co-ordinate mail outs, both hardcopy or electronic.
Create business forms, templates and ensuring branding is consistent.
Create your stationery requirements such as letterheads, business cards, with compliment slips, flyers and brochures.
Be your sounding board for new ideas, events, products or services.
Managing your emails.
Assist with streamlining your office systems to keep you on track, organised and efficient.



Upload your blogs onto your website.
Source free images for blogs, or create original artwork.
Create pages, graphics and ‘call to action’ buttons.
Manage members.
Source guest bloggers.



Write your content.
Source or create accompany images.
Upload to your website and add in SEO components.



Attend to your customer emails.
Set up ‘canned’ responses for frequently asked questions.
Prepare an online ‘Client Questionnaire’ and review the returned results.
Undertake online research.
MailChimp e-Newsletters | Set up a template, import your list of contacts and create/compile your weekly/monthly/quarterly e-Newsletters.
Manage AWeber and Wishlist memberships, and creating newsletters.



Create invitations
Promote your special event, workshops & events.
Collate RSVPs
Setting up online ticket buying – Eventbrite / TryBooking
Coordinate with venues, suppliers on your behalf.
Preparing documentation and presentations for event.



Create your editorial calendar of content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+.
Create original branded graphics for your business.
Search for avenues to increase your followers and audience interaction.
Monitor your page and attend to any business private messages.
Create Facebook Ad campaigns.



Create a PowerPoint presentation.
Create an Excel spreadsheet for a mail-merge mail-out, reports, budgets, etc.
Create and format Manuals and Workbooks.
Format your e-book.


My role is to make your life as stress-free and efficient as possible.


Ready to explore more, contact me today.