5 Easy ways to source social media content for your business

5 Easy ways to source social media content for your business

One of the most common headaches business owners face is what kind of content to share on social media. Or they are simply finding themselves stress because they’re putting pressure on themselves to come up with new content all the time.

Headache be gone!

When it comes to content, we fail ourselves as business owners. Why? Because we are currently spending 80% of our time creating new content, but only 20% sharing our content. We should be spending 20% creating and 80% sharing (and re-sharing) content.

Here are 5 ways you can utilise previous content you’ve created for your social media.

  1. Previous content/posts

Keep copies of content and images from previous post and don’t be afraid to reuse them. Very rarely do people go through a business’ content from 2 years ago, therefore if it’s still relevant re-use it. Even content from 6 months ago is reusable, or last week. If you have a series of images you use for people to sign up to your mailing list, then re-use it at least once a week, and more if you’re posting more than once a day.

  1. Blog content

Most blogs should have a call to action, which could be signing up to newsletters, booking in discovery calls, purchasing a product etc. Re-share your blogs, especially if relevant. Take snippets of the blog content or write an intro and add a call to action, such as click on the link for more, or you could share the whole blog. If you’re blog was an article of tips, just like this one, copy a tip and tell readers to click on the link for the more tips. Use different images for social media to re-share old blogs (if you’re not comfortable using the same image).

  1. Expertise Categories

In business, we all have niche areas, and under our niches are categories we specialise in. For example: in my coaching business, I am a coach who specialises in intuition, alignment, boundaries, balance and boundaries. Therefore, I would share content around those 5 areas.  As a virtual assistant, I specialise in social media, newsletters, blogging, productivity/systems and online management. Again, I would share expertise content around these areas.

  1. Testimonials / Feedback

Feedback sells, often when someone is searching for a new product or service, they check out what others have said about it. You might have testimonials on your website, in emails or have had awesome comments on your social media platform, use these to share with your audience. Feedback on your service are big sellers.

  1. Hints of things to come

Entice your audience with some of the projects you’re working on, or perhaps the blog you’re writing about this week. Tease them with what is to come. Perhaps if you’re making a new product take a snippet image of it and ask them what they think it is.

It is okay to share and re-share your content. Don’t be afraid to do so.  

If you’re making a branded quote for the week’s content, then why not make a whole heap of them for the next couple of weeks or months and save yourself time and effort. This is BULK acting.

Don’t be afraid to pre-plan your content, and then if additional items come up add them in. By pre-planning and scheduling your content it enables you not to feel so panicked that you haven’t posted anything or having come up with content.

If you’re struggling to create the time to manage your social media, then let’s chat about how I can help you manage this. Contact me today.

How to start working with a virtual assistant

How to start working with a virtual assistant

Your business is growing, and you’re ready to bring someone onto your team because you can no longer manage everything on your own. However, you don’t have the budget or need for a full-time employee, so the next best option is to hire a Virtual Assistant (VA).

What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

A VA is a business owner who provides support services to other businesses across various areas, such as administration, social media, graphic design, newsletters, online content management, project management, ghostwriting, and more.

VAs offer different services depending on their business. You can click here to see the services I provide.

Benefits of working with a VA

You can hire VAs on a project basis, for a set number of hours per week or month, or on a retainer package. This is something you can arrange with the VA service you wish to engage.

Where to start when hiring a VA

Before contacting VA businesses, I recommend writing a list of all the tasks you feel you need help with. Some tasks may fall under one area, while others could be more ad-hoc or one-off requirements.

Once you have an idea of the tasks you need assistance with, you can contact a few VA businesses, explain what you need help with, and ask what other services they offer.

If you’re unsure what you need help with but know you need support, don’t hesitate to ask VA businesses about their services. Also, ask your friends for recommendations—they may already work with a VA service or know of several businesses to recommend.

Alternatively, you can register your details here and grab a copy of my free guide to help you get started.

How do I know which VA business to choose?

As a business owner, it’s important to trust that your work will be done to the standard you expect. It’s crucial that the VA gives you confidence in their abilities. Working with a VA is like any other working relationship—sometimes personalities align perfectly, and other times they don’t. If a relationship doesn’t work out, don’t see it as a failure. Instead, view it as a learning experience. Identify what worked, what didn’t, and implement strategies to ensure smoother collaboration in the future. Be open and honest about why it didn’t work.

Sometimes, the simplest issues can cause a relationship to break down, such as unclear instructions or communication, unspecified deadlines, unreasonable expectations, failure to respond to emails (on either side), or simply not being on the same wavelength.

How to ensure success with your VA

Find the best system for you and your VA to communicate tasks, deadlines, information, and any other necessary instructions. There are many free tools available that can improve virtual communication. Check here for my suggested tools.

In my business, I adapt to various formats and styles because my goal is to simplify my clients’ lives. I work in their preferred style to reduce stress in their already busy business lives. However, if I see a way to save time and money, I’ll always offer suggestions.

Can I afford a VA?

Yes, you can. VAs work globally and charge a variety of rates. It all depends on your business needs and preferences, not just the cost.

If you’d like to know more or have a chat about VA services, feel free to contact me.

10 Steps To Help You Control Toxic Business Relationships

10 Steps To Help You Control Toxic Business Relationships

Business relationships are just like that of any other relationship, they need to be continuously worked at, you should never take them for granted and you should treat it with the respect it deserves. However, the reality is some relationships can be very toxic.  You might be showing the signs and not even realising it. Are you finding the minute you see an email has arrived from them you’re cringing or feeling overwhelmed? 


6 ways to look after your existing customers

6 ways to look after your existing customers

As businesses owners we focus on growing our business and getting customers in the door. How we love a new customer!!! Then there are time when we are faced with the challenges of trying to gain more customers, and what we are forgetting and neglecting are our pre-existing customers. We most definitely should not be neglecting those amazing customers we already have.

Yes, focus on bringing in more customers. BUT don’t forget those that are already there and love who we are.

Perhaps you struggle with ideas on how to look after those customers. Here are 5 simple, yet very effective, ideas to help you keep those customer you have smiling and feeling loved.

  1. Send them a birthday message

    Today is my birthday and I received an email from Business Chicks wishing me a happy birthday and it made me feel great and loved!

  2. Offer a birthday gift or discount

    At the start of the month send an email to those on your mailing list who’s birthday is within the month, offer them a $20 voucher towards their next purchase. I received some from Kikki-K, Tony Bianco, Oroton and others. Yes, of course I went shopping, and I spent more with them.

    If you are in the wedding industry, then make sure you are marking those wedding dates so you an congratulate the couple, and touch base with them on their anniversary. For example: A wedding venue like  winery, send the couples that were married within the month an anniversary note and a complimentary champagne or monetary value towards a meal back at your venue. A couple is most likely to take the prompt to book a weekend away with their spouse, which would mean a returning customers and a happy customer to tell others about you. AND, if it’s a big anniversary, e.g.: 10 years, 20 years, 25 years…then offer something a little more and plant the idea of renewing their vows.

  3. A personal note

    Send your customers personal note advising of new products or services you have introduced they might love.

  4. A VIP night or event

    Customers love to feel special, so create a special event for pre-existing customers. Make them love you more!

  5. Discount or Loyalty Cards

    If you are a retail shop and you have customers visiting, create a loyalty card. Either points to be collected, or every time they make a purchase they get a stamp or mark towards a freebie. e.g.: For a hairdressers, each appointment get a stamp, and the 5th appointment get free.

  6. Referrals

If a client is referring others your way, why not send them a gift. For those who don’t have time to be running out to buy gifts and then post them, send them an electronic gift, like a book voucher.

What things do you have in your business to keep your customers coming back? I’d love you to share them below.