How to Set Up and Grow Your LinkedIn Newsletter

How to Set Up and Grow Your LinkedIn Newsletter

LinkedIn newsletters are a powerful tool for professionals looking to establish authority in their industry, share insights, and stay connected with their audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a LinkedIn Newsletter and tips to effectively grow your audience.

Setting Up Your LinkedIn Newsletter

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before you can start a newsletter, you need to have access to LinkedIn’s publishing platform. This feature is available to users who meet specific criteria, such as having a history of content creation or a certain number of connections. Ensure you meet these prerequisites to access the newsletter feature.

Step 2: Activate the Newsletter Feature

  • Go to your LinkedIn homepage and navigate to the ‘Write an Article’ section.
  • If you are eligible, you’ll see an option to ‘Create a newsletter’.
  • Click on it, and you’ll be prompted to fill in details about your newsletter.

Step 3: Define Your Newsletter

  • Name: Choose a catchy and relevant name that reflects the content and purpose of your newsletter.
  • Description: Write a concise description that highlights the value your newsletter offers to subscribers.
  • Publishing Cadence: Decide how often you’ll publish. It could be weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Consistency is key to keeping your audience engaged.

Step 4: Design Your First Edition

  • Create compelling content that provides value to your readers. Whether it’s industry insights, professional tips, or career advice, ensure that your content resonates with your target audience.
  • Add relevant images, videos, and links to enhance your message and engage readers.

Step 5: Publish and Promote

  • Once you’re satisfied with your content, hit publish.
  • Promote your newsletter on your LinkedIn profile, status updates, and other social media platforms to increase visibility.

Tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Newsletter Audience

1. Leverage Your Existing Network Encourage your LinkedIn connections to subscribe by sharing your newsletter in your posts and status updates. Personal messages to select connections who might benefit from your newsletter can also be effective.

2. Engage with Your Audience Interaction is crucial. Respond to comments, questions, and feedback on your newsletters. Engaging with your readers builds a community and fosters loyalty.

3. Collaborate with Other Professionals Feature guest posts from other industry professionals or mention their work in your newsletter. They are likely to share your content with their audience, which can increase your visibility and subscriber count.

4. Utilise LinkedIn Groups Share your newsletter in relevant LinkedIn groups (always follow the group’s guidelines). This can introduce your content to a highly targeted audience interested in your topic.

5. Optimise for Search Use relevant keywords in your newsletter title and description to make it searchable on LinkedIn and beyond. This SEO practice helps in attracting organic traffic to your newsletter.

6. Consistency Is Key Maintain a regular publishing schedule. Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged and helps build anticipation for your next edition.

7. Offer Exclusive Content Provide content that is exclusive to your newsletter subscribers to make them feel valued. This could include in-depth analyses, downloadable resources, or early access to your events or services.

8. Monitor Analytics LinkedIn provides analytics for newsletters, which include data on views, engagement, and subscriber demographics. Use this information to refine your content strategy and better cater to your audience’s interests.

Creating and growing a LinkedIn newsletter takes time and dedication, but with the right approach, it can significantly enhance your professional brand and broaden your network. Start today, and with persistence, you’ll see your efforts pay off!

How To Create A LinkedIn Newsletter

How To Create A LinkedIn Newsletter

Linkedin introduced in 2021 a new great function to create a newsletter to connect regularly with your target market and connections. In this article, I am going to step you through what to do and how to create a LinkedIn Newsletter. 

Before you start crafting your newsletter, you need to activate your account to creative mode.

Setting your profile to creator mode

To activate your profile to Creator Mode.  

To do this simply,

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn profile
  2. Click on your profile
  3. Scroll down to the Resources section
  4. You will see Creator Mode as the first option, click this to ON.

Setting up your Newsletter

Newsletters are created in LinkedIn via your Write Article post options.

When you are creating it the first time, you will need to set up your Newsletter first.

To do this,

  1. Go to your profile overview feed
  2. Click on Write Article
  3. You will see a button called ‘Create Newsletter’, click this button
  4. Create your Newsletter title (please note you can change this at any time)
  5. Select how often you will publish your newsletter.
  6. Add your newsletter description
  7. Upload an image for your newsletter (would recommend profile headshot for better audience connection)
  8. Make sure have ticked the box for Invite my connections and followers to subscribe, and
  9. Make sure you have ticked the box Subscribe me to my newsletter.

Writing your content

Now that your newsletter is set up, you can start writing your content.  This is done through the Write article feature.

Now that your newsletter is set up, you can start writing your content.  This is done through the Write article feature.

If you need to change your Newsletter name or image, when you click into the Write article section, you will see an editing pen and word so you can make the edits there. 

Simply write your article as you desire. You can add images and also links. 

Once completed, click Publish. 

Alternating between your Articles and Newsletter feature

Now that you have set up your newsletter, does not mean you can’t write individual articles. When you go into your Write article section, you will see a button next to publish the will show your newsletter name, when you click it you can see a dropdown menu to select either ‘create an individual article’ or ‘newsletter’. 


What happens after you publish?

Once you publish your newsletter, connections and followers will receive and notification of an invitation to subscribe. This is found under the Network section (same place as invitations to connect with people received). They will also be given the option to subscribe to your newsletter.

For clients I have helped launch their newsletters, we have hit over 100 subscribers in less than 1 day.

Need help?

Whether you are digitally challenged, or simply time-poor, please feel free to contact me to see how I can support you.